Since Triple H took over the creative responsibilities in WWE, he has brought back many released stars like Karrion Kross, Dakota Kai, Hit Row, and more. On this week’s episode of WWE Monday Night Raw, Johnny Gargano made his surprising return in front of Toronto crowd who gave him a huge welcome. Now, it seems Triple H is planning to bring another released star.

According to the Andrew Zarian of We’re Live Pal, Jonah (formerly known as Bronson Reed) could be next in line to make a sensational return to WWE. 
“I’ve heard one name over the last few weeks and that’s Jonah. Great G1 [Climax], I talked to a friend over there casually in Connecticut (…) he’s a name. Bronson Reed got the s**t end of the stick with his positioning. He’s very good, he has the size, he had this awesome entrance with the background.”
Andrew Zarian also noted that he has heard the people backstage interested in former NXT North American Champion Bronson Reed and being discussed backstage as a potential returnee now that Triple H is in control of things.
“I don’t know him at all personally. I don’t know if anything behind the scenes that happened, anything beyond that, but I can tell you there are people very interested in him because of his talent, his performance in the G1. He’s a name that people are interested in. I don’t know what his deal is, but he has come up as a name that I’ve heard.” (H/T: WrestlingNews)

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