Apollo Crews responds to MVP’s Self Claim US Champion

This week on Extreme Rules Horror Show PPV, US Title match between MVP and Apollo Crews didn’t took place as Apollo Crews was out of action due to injury.
A short segment took at Extreme Rules PPV that MVP and Bobby Lashley came out and jokes about the Crews injury. And declares himself as the New US Champion by forfeit and took the New US Title with him.
After that Apollo Crews took the Twitter and responds to the MVP comments and as Self claim Champion.
For what it’s worth, the WWE website still has Crews as champion and does not list a forfeit win for MVP.
There’s no word yet on when Crews will be back in action, but he has not appeared on RAW since that June 29 episode. There has been speculation on Crews being away due to potential COVID-19 concerns, but it should be noted that this has not been confirmed.
WWE may announce the rematch with MVP once Crews return back to WWE.

@The305MVP is trippin thinking he can claim himself the #USChampion. I was looking forward to shutting you BOTH up once and for all tonight at #ExtremeRules but once I’m cleared .. #ImComingforwhatsmine

— Apollo (@WWEApollo) July 20, 2020

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