WWE announced the segment for RAW Next Week

WWE going to tape the big segment for Raw next week. WWE will tape the next week episode of Raw and during the WWE Backstage revealed the Big segment this week.
WWE announced the greatest wrestling match ever between the Edge and Randy Orton at BackLash. After their brutal fight at WrestleMania 36, Randy Orton and Edge still continuing their fued.
During the WWE Backstage, they announced that the Edge and Randy Orton will meet at the Peep Show segment Next Week on Raw.
Christian will be hosting the Live Peep Show on WWE Raw next week with the Edge as his special guest. After the very long time WWE held the Peep Show segment and this is the first time they held this segment without fans.
It has not been reported if WWE NXT Superstars will play the role of live fans during the next set of television tapings. Recent reports indicate that they didn’t have the best time as extras.

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