Kurt Angle rejected WWE’s offer to become Matt Riddle’s manager

Kurt Angle’s WWE future has been a talk of the WWE universe after he returned to WWE to be the special guest referee in the Pit Fight match between Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher.
Cbr.com recently interviewed Kurt Angle, and he revealed that WWE offered him the chance to manage Matt Riddle. Kurt Angle, however, had to turn down WWE’s offer ‘for various reasons.’ Angle added that he would have loved to become Riddle’s manager, but it just wasn’t the right time.
Kurt Angle had high praise for Matt Riddle as he predicted that the King of Bros would become one of the faces of WWE. According to Kurt Angle, Matt Riddle has all the potential to be a top Superstar in the company. While Riddle’s ‘bro’ gimmick may seem odd at first, Angle explained that Riddle is very likeable once you get to know him.
Matt Riddle is phenomenal in the ring, and Kurt Angle felt that the fans would love the former NXT Superstar.
“I think that Matt Riddle is going to be one of the faces of the [WWE], he has all the ability. His personality is great. At first, it’s a little odd. But once you get to know him, he’s very likable. And that’s what he’s going to get from the fans. They’re going to love this kid. And he proves it in the ring. He’s phenomenal in the ring. There’s no doubt about that. But his whole bro gimmick thing works really well. And he’s going to do extremely well. WWE has offered me a job to manage him. Unfortunately, I turned it down due to a few different reasons, but I would have loved to manage him. It just wasn’t the right time.”

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