Drew McIntyre reveals his Dream Opponent

WWE Champion Drew McIntyre was recently in an interview with WrestleTalk

Where he revealed his dream opponents. And whom he would like to defend his WWE Championship.
Drew McIntyre won the WWE Title at WrestleMania 36 after pinning Brock Lesnar. Later that night he defended his Championship aganist Big Show. Now he going to defend his WWE championship aganist Bobby Lashley.
Drew McIntyre about his Dream Opponent:
McIntyre was asked about whom he would like to face, who he hasn’t faced yet. He revealed without hesitation that was AJ Styles who always tops the list.
These Superstars haven’t faced each other in singles match but they have faced in a triple threat match on Raw. They have missed out facing each other and now AJ Styles moved to Smackdown.
“The number 1, I guess I would say is AJ Styles. It happened again. I don’t know what the deal is with him and I. We’re always like ships in the night, we keep missing each other.
“Be it, I’m away from WWE, I got to Impact Wrestling, he’s going going, we’re both doing independent shows, it can’t quite work out, or he’s on, or I’m off, or he’s off,” McIntyre said.
“He comes back to WWE. I come back to WWE. We’re both on RAW, and we’re both bad guys, but finally, I’m a good guy, and he’s a bad guy. It’s going to happen, he disappears to SmackDown. So I guess we’ll have to wait for that match still,” Drew McIntyre explains.
These both Superstars facing each other would be a great match but it still take more time. Currently Drew McIntyre in a fued with Bobby Lashley and AJ Styles have been traded to SmackDown. Let’s see how the WWE going to book the both Superstars in future.
McIntyre also named Adam Cole as one of the NXT Superstars he’d like to face, stating they still have some unfinished business.

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