Tonight’s WWE Crown Jewel go-home edition of the WWE Monday Night Raw Halloween special is live from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. Kevin Patrick welcomes us and he’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves. WWE announced The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns will be on Raw ahead of Crown Jewel, Brock Lesnar returns, Riddle vs. Otis in Trick Or Street Fight, Nikki Cross vs. Bianca Belair and more.

Here The WWE Monday Night Raw Full Results

– Bianca Belair defeated Nikki Cross via pinfall after Damage CTRL interference. After the match, Damage CTRL hits the ring to attack Belair but Asuka’s music hits and out she comes with Alexa Bliss to make the save. Bliss with a DDT to Kai, Belair dropkicks Bayley. Asuka knocks Bayley off the apron with a Hip Attack, sending her to the floor with her stablemates. Bliss leaps off the apron with a cannonball to Damage CTRL. Bliss and Asuka celebrate with Bianca Belair to end the segment.
– We see recent happenings between Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley. The screen splits and we see Lashley backstage getting mic’d up for his interview with Lesnar. There’s no sign of Lesnar yet.
– Cathy Kelley with Asuka, Alexa Bliss and Bianca Belair at backstage. She asks Belair if she is finished with Nikki Cross for now. Belair says she and Cross may be settled for now, but she’s far from over with Bayley, and come Crown Jewel after their Last Woman Standing match, only one is walking out. Belair says but that doesn’t mean she has to be walking in to Crown Jewel alone. Bliss agrees and says they’ve been by Belair’s side since this started, and they will be there when it ends on Saturday. 
Alexa Bliss says she and Asuka haven’t forgotten about the injuries Damage CTRL caused, and they’re not waiting for WWE Crown Jewel to get payback. Alexa Bliss further says they are settling this right now and they want a shot at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles tonight. Asuka screams out about how Damage CTRL is not ready for Asuka and Alexa Bliss.
– Corey Graves welcomes Bobby Lashley to their split-screen interview, but Bock Lesnar isn’t in his chair yet. Bobby Lashley isn’t surprised Brock Lesnar isn’t here yet for the interview because he’s been ducking him for 20 years. Lashley says he would’ve exposed Lesnar 20 years ago as he did at the Royal Rumble, and again 2 weeks ago. He says it will be no different at Crown Jewel when he exposes Lesnar for what he really is – a Lashley wannabe. Brock Lesnar’s music suddenly hits in the arena and he comes to a big pop.
Brock Lesnar making his way to the ring while Bobby Lashley is watching the feed from backstage, according to Graves. Brock Lesnar stands in the ring to a “Lesnar!” chant now. Brock Lesnar says good evening to Texas and they cheer. Brock Lesnar didn’t come to Texas to have a sit-down interview with Bobby Lashley… when Lesnar visits these good folks in Texas, he wants to do what these good folks in Texas would normally do – fight. Brock Lesnar says Bobby Lashley obviously didn’t get the memo and even if he did, he can’t read it. 
We see Bobby Lashley getting up from his seat and heading out now. Brock Lesnar calls Bobby Lashley to the ring to take his ass beating. The music hits and out comes Bobby Lashley as Lesnar bounces around in the ring. Lesnar waits but Lashley isn’t coming out. He finally appears and Lesnar meets him on the ramp. Lesnar tackles Lashley and they start brawling as officials, security and a bunch of Superstars try to restore order. WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H is also out, keeping the two apart. Triple H warns Lesnar but Lesnar breaks free and attacks Lashley again. Triple H yells for both of them to be taken out. It appears Triple H is telling the referee that the fight is off if they touch each other.
– We see more photos of fans dressed up in costume at the arena, this time it’s three fans dressed as the 3 Faces of WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley.
– We see what just happened between Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley. Corey Graves confirms that Triple H will cancel Saturday’s match is they touch each other before then.
– Seth Rollins defeated Austin Theory via pinfall. After the match, Seth Rollins stands tall and raises his WWE United States Title belt in the air while the referee raises his arm in victory. Fans begin singing Rollins’ theme and Rollins continues his celebration.
– We see a black SUV pulling up in the back parking lot. The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns hops out, and he’s joined by Paul Heyman. They are heading into the arena. 
– WWE announced that Bray Wyatt will be at WWE Crown Jewel this Saturday.
– The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring along with Paul Heyman. We see photos of fans dressed as The Bloodline for Halloween as the announcers hype Reigns vs. Logan Paul at WWE Crown Jewel.
Roman Reigns hits the ring and raises his titles in the air. The “Uce-y!” chant starts up. Reigns calls on Dallas to acknowledge him, then the chant starts back up. Roman Reigns says he has Sami Zayn and Jey Uso out in the world working on becoming more “Uce-y” and by the time they’re down in Saudi Arabia, you should see a more “Uce-y!” duo there. Reigns says enough of the “Uce-y!” talk… for more than two years now, he’s been hyping up opponents and the only thing that happens is they get to the match, then get smashed.
Roman Reigns isn’t dishonest, he’s not lying, so he had to think about this… let’s be honest, he’s the greatest of all-time and he’s going against a guy who’s had 2 matches, so there’s no way Reigns is going to hype up a match with an outsider like Logan Paul. No, The Tribal Chief won’t do that, but The Wiseman will. Reigns hands the mic to Heyman and he does his usual introduction. Heyman mentions the pins in Paul’s hand, and how he’s been training with WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels but despite all of this, he will get smashed by Reigns on Saturday. 
Roman Reigns says the one thing Reigns cannot stand is an outside. So, this Saturday night… the music interrupts and here comes The Miz. Reigns looks confused. The Miz acknowledges his Tribal Chief and says he’s here to only help Reigns, because he knows Paul better than anyone else. Miz says Paul’s right hand is real, he has pins in his hand that gives him knockout power. Miz says just ask Jey. Miz says he just wishes he could’ve been here to help Reigns sooner, but as an A-List philanthropist, he’s had to deal with a deranged stalker. 
Miz further says they can help each other – Roman Reigns helps Miz with Dexter Lumis before the match with Mustafa Ali, and Miz will help Roamn Reigns with Logan Paul. Reigns asks if Miz is trying to cut a deal. Miz is. Reigns says that doesn’t sound too bad. Miz kisses up to Reigns some more and Reigns says he likes this guy. Roman Reigns continues that he has one question for Miz before we get to this deal – why does everyone keep talking about Logan Paul knocking Roman Reigns out? Reigns suddenly lays Miz out with a Superman Punch out of nowhere. 
Roman Reigns finishes his thought – when they should be talking about Roman Reigns knocking Logan Paul out. Roman Reigns says then no one will have a choice but to acknowledge him. Roman Reigns tosses the mic and makes his exit. Roman Reigns barks to the camera about how he’s tired of giving people chances and exits to backstage.
– The Miz has an ice pack on his jaw when Cathy Kelley approaches in the trainer’s room. Miz isn’t in the mood to talk. She says Johnny Gargano sat down with Byron Saxton for a tell-all interview to air later tonight. Miz doesn’t care, he’s more interested in getting his match with Mustafa Ali cancelled. Miz says Gargano is just all about gotcha journalism and Cathy, of all people, should know no story should be published without multiple, verified sources. 
The Miz says if WWE airs this puff piece, everyone better be prepared for litigation that will put Johnny Depp and Amber Heard to shame. Kelley walks out and in comes Mustafa Ali to taunt Miz over trying to get their match nixed. Ali does the “tiny balls!” joke and Miz says he’s going to beat Ali with a broken jaw tonight. Ali says he’s looking forward to it, then he walks off.
– Karl Anderson defeated Damian Priest via pinfall. After the match, The Judgment Day immediately rushes in to attack but The O.C. also rushes in as a brawl breaks out. Luke Gallows is stalking Dominik on the mat but Rhea Ripley comes in from behind and drops Gallows with a low blow. Rhea Ripley is barking at AJ Styles and Karl Anderson now, telling them to bring it. 
The Judgment Day attacks from behind. The O.C. is beat down and left laying now. Damian Priest with a Razor’s Edge to AJ Styles. Finn Balor with Coup de Grace to Karl Anderson. Dominik Mysterio goes to the top and poses to boos. Dominik then nails a Frogsplash to AJ Styles. The Judgment Day celebrates anf continues to taunt The O.C. while they’re down.
– MVP and Omos are at backstage now. MVP addresses Braun Strowman and how he said during SmackDown that there is no giant big enough for The Monster of All Monsters. MVP says when Braun said that, he thought maybe Braun was tossed out of the ring and landed on his head. MVP goes on and says Braun Strowman can flip over all the trucks he wants, rip off all the car doors he wants, but he will never measure up to The Nigeriana Giant, and Braun needs to get that through his neanderthal-like skull because once and for all, Braun will find out at Crown Jewel, or perhaps he will find out a little sooner. MVP says he’s coming to SmackDown this Friday and he’s arranged a little surprise for Braun. MVP laughs as Omos looks on.
– WWE Hall of Famer JBL makes his way to the ring and got a big pop from the Texas crowd. The Wrestling God wipes his feet, then enters the ring. JBL says it’s good to be back in the great state of Texas. He talks up the history of Texas some, and how there have been many heroes of The Lone Star State, including WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin. JBL goes on and says Texas was great until you snowflakes showed up and ruined it. He says from a Texas legend, not a single one of you should be allowed to call yourself a Texas.
JBL further says you people disgust him, but despite all of that, he will still introduce greatness to this state once again. JBL introduces the man who will help save Texas… he goes on with the grand introduction and out comes The Modern Day Wrestling God – Baron Corbin. Corbin comes out and poses. He then heads to the ring as JBL looks on. Corbin takes the mic and says everyone is excited. He goes on about how everyone acknowledges that he has it all. He thanks everyone for scraping their last dollars together to come see him in the flesh. JBL applauds. Corbin knows it wasn’t easy, some probably had to put in extra hours at the farm or factory, but it shows how much the people love Corbin. 
Baron Corbin further goes on about the truth, but the music interrupts and here comes R-Truth rapping his way to the ring. Truth is dressed up as a cowboy, stuffed mini-horse and all. JBL calls Truth a buffoon, ask him what he’s doing and says he looks ridiculous. Truth just wanted to wish Dallas a Happy Halloween, but he especially wanted to tell you both that he really, really, really likes their Halloween costumes.
JBL says they’re not wearing costumes, you idiot. Truth says JBL is dressed like a mean, hostile, steaming mad, out of touch, old man. Fans pop. And Baron Corbin is dressed as just the world’s biggest.. Corbin attacks but Truth ducks and drops him with a shot to the mouth. Truth kicks Corbin but turns round to JBL throwing his hat in Truth’s face. Corbin decks Truth from behind, then drops him with End of Days to boos from the crowd. JBL and Corbin stand tall together.
– We see Nikki Cross at backstage and Bayley is trying to talk to her, but Nikki walks away. Bayley talks things over with IYO SKY and Dakota Kai.
– We go back to the ring for the Trick or Street Fight as crew members are setting up Halloween props around the ring. The music hits and out first comes Matt Riddle with Elias. Riddle is dressed like Ezekiel. We see a photo of a fan dressed as Riddle for Halloween. The ring is lined with pumpkins, and there are several spooky props at ringside. The music hits and out next comes Chad Gable with a mic. He says he could’ve dressed as Socrates or any philosopher tonight and it would’ve made great sense, but no one here would’ve understood the joke because you’re all a bunch of Dallas Dimwits. Gable says we’re lucky Halloween is his favorite holiday because he dressed as a legendary dancer, Patrick Swayze’s Chip! Gable then introduces his partner, who will do some dancing all over Riddle – Dale! Out comes Otis dressed as Dale. They drop their robes and do the Chip & Dale dance on the stage, then they head to the ring.
– Matt Riddle defeated Otis via pinfall in Trick Or Street Fight.
– Damage CTRL are at backstage. Dakota Kai isn’t happy about tonight’s title match but they’re confident about retaining tonight, then embarrassing Bianca Belair at Crown Jewel. Bayley hypes them all up and says by this time next week, they will be the last women standing.
– Mustafa Ali defeated The Miz via pinfall. After the match, Ali stands tall and hits the corner to pose  Ali celebrates and plays to the crowd on his way to the back. The Miz is laid out in the middle of the ring.
– Johnny Gargano’s Tell-All interview with Byron Saxton. Saxton is sitting at a 60 Minutes-style set. Saxton brings up The Miz and Dexter Lumis, and says now Gargano has the explosive truth as the whistleblower. Saxton recently sat down with Gargano to get the truth. Saxton asks Miz what kind of person Lumis is.
Gargano says that’s a layered question… Lumis has his quirks but he’s just trying to live and earn his way like the rest of us. Gargano brings up the wedding to Indi Hartwell and says Lumis married into his family, kind of like a son-in-law, or a raccoon. He says Lumis went insane after the wedding when things fell apart as Lumis lost his job, and fell on hard times. We see re-enactments done by Gargano only, dressed as Lumis, Miz and others in the story. Gargano says these hard times took a toll on Lumis and in typical Miz fashion, he took advantage of it. We see a re-enactment of Miz giving money to Lumis while Lumis was working as a struggling artist.
Johnny Gargano traces this back to the August 22 Raw in Toronto when he made his return. He says Miz doesn’t know this, but before he went out to the ring that night, he overheard Miz and Lumis talking backstage, so he recorded them on his hone. We hear audio of Miz telling Lumis he was a little tight with the Sleeper hold, but Miz thinks this is working, people are actually buying it. Miz told Lumis, let’s try something new next Monday. 
Miz said he would pay Lumis half now, then the rest when they were done. We also heard Miz telling Lumis to take the money, keep his mouth shut and quit looking at Miz that way. Gargano says he believes Miz was paying Lumis to stage these attacks. Saxton asks why Miz would do this. Gargano says Miz thinks he’s a celebrity and just wants attention, celebrities fabricate stories all the time and call paparazzi. Gargano says Miz wanted a crazed stalker, so he exploited Dexter’s situation. Gargano says these were vile, despicable actions by Miz.
Gargano shows footage to back up his claims, showing how the first few times we saw Lumis on Raw, he and Miz exchanged glances but there were no altercations. Saxton asks what about the Steel Cage match where Miz was put to sleep by Lumis. Gargano says what better way to play the victim than to orchestrate your own downfall, because Miz was never going to beat Bobby Lashley that night anyway, so he found a painful way to keep the blame off himself. 
Saxton asks about the steel chair attack from Lumis. Gargano says he can’t prove this, but he thinks somewhere along the way, Miz must’ve stopped paying Lumis, Miz lost control and now Lumis is coming after Miz until Lumis… Gets. What. He. Is. Owed. Saxton says this sure is a shocking development. He thanks Gargano for his time, and Gargano says he’s welcome. We go back to the announcers now. Graves tells Patrick he’s not buying a word of that, it was complete garbage. Graves says Miz should hire one of the high powered lawyers he knows. Graves tosses a bunch of paper in the air, he’s fed up.
– Alexa Bliss and Asuka defeated Dakota Kai and IYO SKY via pinfall and became the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. After the match, Alexa Bliss and Asuka celebrate to a pop from the crowd. The new champs stand tall in the middle of the ring, clutching the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles now as the pyro goes off. An emotional IYO SKY and Dakota Kai are at ringside consoling each other. The new champions continue their celebration as the Crown Jewel go-home edition of the Monday Night Raw Halloween special goes off the air.

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