The Olympic Gold Medalist Gable Steveson signed a deal with WWE last year but has yet to compete in his first match for the promotion. He also drafted to WWE Monday Night Raw but there hasn’t been any mention of Gable Steveson on WWE TV for a while now.

Dave Meltzer recently made an appearance on the Sunday Night’s Main Event TSN Radio show and discussed about several topics. While speaking, Meltzer opened up about the Gable Steveson’s WWE status and stated that the company wanted him to be the next Brock Lesnar.
“It was [that] he was gonna be the new Brock Lesnar and they were going to send coaches to Minnesota [and] get a place in Minneapolis and during the wrestling season, they were gonna have him also train as a pro wrestler, which probably wasn’t a good idea to do both at the same time.”
Meltzer also further stated that WWE cancelled plans for Steveson to make his debut at WrestleMania 38 earlier this year. He also noted that Steveson was supposed get a huge push and become a top star on the WWE roster by now but it didn’t happen.
“He hasn’t debuted and they wanted to debut him at WrestleMania and it didn’t happen. He was supposed to be fast-tracked to main events by now. Like come right out of college and win the NCAAs, which he did. And then go right to WWE top level and that didn’t happen.” [H/T: WrestlingNewsCo]

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