Tonight’s WWE Clash at The Castle go-home edition of Friday Night SmackDown is live from Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan. Michael Cole welcomes us and joined at ringside by Pat McAfee. WWE announced Roman Reigns celebrates two years as champion, Ronda Rousey’s final judgement, Karrion Kross in-ring debut, The New Day vs The Viking Raiders in Viking Rules Match, Butch vs Ludwig Kaiser and Maximum Male Models vs Hit Row.

Here The WWE Friday Night SmackDown Full Results:

– The Viking Raiders defeated The New Day via pinfall in Viking Rules match. After the match, Erik and Ivar stood tall on their dragon boat and raise their shields in the air. 
– The announcers discuss Roman Reigns’ title reign and send us to a quick video package for tonight’s celebration. The video is narrated by Paul Heyman.
– Sami Zayn at backstage and the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos approach him. Jimmy Uso is glad to see him. Sami is wearing a flashy/tacky suit for tonight’s celebration, and Jey Uso says it’s not tribal print. Sami puts over Reigns’ title reign and says he’s got photos of Reigns to be blown up and put on easels, and he’s got a black carpet. Jey mentions how Paul Heyman should be here for the celebration. Jey says Sami can throw a party but can’t help him with his boy Kevin Owens on Raw. They go on and Jey says it looks like Sami has everything under control. Jey walks off and Jimmy follows. Sami is a bit concerned.
– Kayla Braxton at backstage with Shayna Baszler. She talks about how she will make SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan cry and suffer at Clash at The Castle as she rips her apart limb by limb. Baszler plans to make Liv beg her not to snap her arm on Saturday, then leave with the title. Liv suddenly walks up and faces off with Baszler. Liv says no matter what Baszler says, she is not afraid, and she will not tap out on Saturday. Liv says in fact, she will rip Baszler’s arm off. Baszler laughs and says she’d like to see Liv try. Liv says watch me and both came face to face.
– Karrion Kross and Scarlett at backstage now. Kross says a moment in time can mean so many different things, for instance… for Drew McIntyre, he has a moment tonight to reflect on the humbling he suffered last week, and for Roman Reigns, he has a moment tonight to commemorate being WWE Champion for two years. Unfortunately for Kross’ opponent, Mr. Gulak, he’s going to have a moment tonight that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Kross says Gulak’s entire world is about to change. Tik, tok. 
– Michael Cole sends us to part two of the video package on Roman Reigns and his title reign, narrated by Paul Heyman.
– Karrion Kross defeated Drew Gulak via submission. After the match, Kross keeps the submission applied and Scarlett comes in and laughs while the referee tries to get Kross to break the hold. Kross finally breaks it and then poses with Scarlett. We come back to Gulak with his arms tied up in the middle rope as Kross and Scarlett taunt him. They walk off together, leaving Gulak trapped in the ropes facing the stage.
– We got the third part of the video package looking at Roman Reigns’ title reign, narrated by Paul Heyman.
– The Rowdy Ronda Rousey makes her way to the ring. Rousey has a paper in her hand, and says it’s a statement from WWE HQ regarding her suspension. Rousey says she can’t think of anyone she’d like to come read this statement more than her friend and everyone’s favorite, Adam Pearce and he comes out. He says whatever these decisions are and have been, it’s never personal. Rousey says what has happened felt personal but Pearce says it was her actions that got her in trouble. 
Pearce says he was just doing his job and Rousey says that’s the spineless excuse of management everywhere. Pearce takes the paper and says they could’ve done this in his office. He starts reading and it says over the past several weeks, Rousey has engaged in completely unprofessional behavior but her behavior never approached the level of criminal. Pearce hesitates now and Rousey taunts him. 
Pearce keeps reading the Board of Directors statement and it says Rousey’s arrest was completely unwarranted. It says Rousey paid her fines in full and she will remain in probation but as of today, her suspension is over and she will resume in-ring competition immediately. Rousey asks Pearce to read the last part again because she couldn’t hear due to all the cheering. Pearce repeats the line about her suspension being over and her being able to resume in-ring competition. Rousey says that was her favorite part. Pearce sarcastically congratulates her.
Rousey asks Pearce what’s wrong, if he had a hard day. Pearce says probation is absurd. He says Rousey is a danger to everyone as she held the show up and assaulted his security, it was his duty to call police. Pearce says he never would’ve suspended her, he would’ve fired her. Rousey says she’s hypothetically devastated. Rousey asks if the WWE Board would’ve sided with him over the hottest female in history. Rousey tells Pearce to kiss her ass. Pearce gets heated now as he goes on about how hard his job is, he gets RAW and SmackDown on the air each week, with no thank you. 
Pearce tells them to shut up for a second. Pearce continues ranting about his job and wishes someone from the office would come try to do it. Pearce has no issue with the Board of Directors or their decision, he has a problem with Rousey as she walks around like she owns the place and if she doesn’t get her way, all hell breaks loose. Pearce says people call her The Baddest Woman on The Planet but he calls her the single biggest bitch he’s ever met. 
Rousey is staring at Pearce now. She drops the mic and he admits that was a little unprofessional, and it was just the stress speaking. Pearce says he’s sorry. Rousey takes Pearce down and applies the arm bar, then drops to the mat to tighten the hold as Pearce yells out. Pearce sits up in the corner now, clutching his arm. Fans chant “Ronda!” now as she stares Pearce down. Rousey exits the ring and stops to turn around and look at Pearce, who is still clutching his arm.
– Sami Zayn at backstage when a delivery man brings him a bouquet of flowers. The roses are black and wrapped in pink paper. Sami says they smell bad. He reads the card and it says… tik, tok. These must be from Scarlett and Karrion Kross. Sami puts the flowers down and says he won’t be using these. He smells his fingers again and they stink.
– Hit Row defeated Maximum Male Models via pinfall. After the match, Adonis kicks Mansoor to the floor with his stablemates. Hit Row begins celebrating but Los Lotharios rush the ring to attack Hit Row. The Models join in now. Hit Row is being double teamed now as Max directs traffic. The music hits and here come The Street Profits to make the save. They take out Mansoor and Mace first, then team up with Dolla to send Los Lotharios retreating. The heels regroup at ringside as Hit Row and The Profits stands tall together in the ring.
– Kayla Braxton is with Happy Baron Corbin backstage now, asking about the loss. Corbin says he’s happy and lives a good life, he doesn’t live in the past. Corbin says sometimes when you have a string of bad luck you gotta double down, and he knows he’s the best man in the locker room. Corbin says he’s going to the ring to issue an open challenge and whoever comes out will crawl back and walks off.
– We got the part four of the Roman Reigns video package, narrated by Paul Heyman.
– Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Happy Baron Corbin via pinfall.
– Butch defeated Ludwig Kaiser via pinfall. After the match, The Brawling Brutes celebrate in the ring and Gunther enters the ring and points at Sheamus, then removes his jacket for a pop. Sheamus also removes his jacket and hat, and drops his suspenders. Kaiser quickly rushes back in and holds Gunther back from a fight. Kaiser and Gunther exit the ring while Sheamus and his crew taunt Gunther and Kaiser from the ring. 
– We got the part five of the Roman Reigns video package, narrated by Paul Heyman.
– Sami Zayn and The Usos are at backstage, and Sami says his checklist for tonight’s celebration is all set. They’re ready to go out but Sami asks shouldn’t they wait for Roman Reigns and all go out together, as the entire Bloodline. Jey Uso asks him what he means by the entire Bloodline. Jey says Sami is getting real comfortable around here and he’s not blood yet. Jimmy Uso says tonight is about Roman, so they should go out there and introduce The Tribal Chief, put the spotlight on The Big Uce. They agree but Sami is hesitant. The Usos walk off and Sami follows a few seconds later.
– We see the recent Instagram video from undefeated boxer Tyson Fury, who revealed that he will be ringside for WWE Clash at The Castle.
– Sami Zayn and the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos makes their way to the ring to host the Two-Year Championship Celebration for Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Sami hits the ring with Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso, and the ring has a black apron cover with various photos of Reigns on display on easels.
Sami takes mic and he’s hyped up as he welcomes everyone to the special celebration for Reigns. Sami asks if it’s OK that he hosts this thing since he got all dressed up and planned it. Jimmy tells him to do his thing. Sami looks at Jey and says he wouldn’t want anyone to accuse him of getting too comfortable. Sami goes to speak on Reigns but Jey interrupts and talks about how Reigns has dominated his opponents for the past two years. Jey goes on with his lines while Sami ad-libs in between. 
Jimmy asks Sami what he’s doing. Jey calls on the fans to stand… Sami motions for the crowd to get up. Jey tells fans to put their 1’s in the sky to help welcome The Head of The Table, The Tribal Chief, The Needle Mover, God Mode himself – the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, our cousin… Roman Reigns. Sami and The Usos yell Reigns’ name out. A SUV arrives in the back garage parking lot, and we see this on the big screen. Reigns hops out to a pop in the arena. Reigns is suddenly laid down with Claymore by Drew McIntyre. Drew walks to arena. 
Drew on the entrance-way and Sami tries to attack him but Drew levels him with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt. Drew removes his shirt and we see the battle scars from last week’s assault by The Bloodline. Drew rushes the ring and The Usos attack but he clears the ring of them. The Reigns photos are also destroyed. Drew then runs the ropes and leaps out, taking down Sami and The Usos at ringside. Drew rolls Sami back in, then he tosses several steel chairs in. Sami grabs a chair and hits Drew with it as he comes back in. 
Drew then kicks the chair into Sami with a big Claymore, sending Sami back to the floor. Drew follows and slams Jimmy on top of the announce table, collapsing it. Drew stalks Jey at ringside now, then charges and sends him flying through the barrier with a Spear after mocking Reigns and how he signals for the Spear by yelling out. Drew takes the mic and tells Reigns he will never stop. 
Drew says look around him – The Bloodline is torn apart, God Mode is deactivated and at Cardiff it comes down to he and Reigns and he will kick the head off Reigns, then Reigns will look up at the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. Drew poses to a pop now in the corner now as Cole hypes WWE Clash at The Castle one last time. The Clash at The Castle go-home edition of Friday Night SmackDown goes off the air with McIntyre posing in the corner.

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