On this week’s WWE Monday Night Raw,  Ezekiel defeated Kevin Owens via count-out. Following Ezekiel victory, he announced that his “brother” Elias would be appearing on the next week’s Monday Night Raw.

On the latest episode of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer talked about how WWE can get creative in handling the segment next week. He said that WWE may be planning to play with camera angles, lighting, beards and shadows to manipulate Elias’ return on WWE Raw.
“I guess [the idea is to put a fake beard on him]. Or, just show a tape from years ago. I’m sure that they’ll be able to figure a way out of this one. It’s not like this hasn’t been done before, you can do trick photography, split-screen. When Dusty Rhodes was the Midnight Rider, Dusty Rhodes and the Midnight Rider would be on the same TV show and they’d be in the same scenes because they’d use trick photography, so it’s as old as old can be. This is nothing new in wrestling at all.” (H/T: Sportskeeda)

NEXT MONDAY on #WWERaw @IAmNotEliasWWE is bringing back his older brother Elias! pic.twitter.com/LGQYTBFjmu

— WWE (@WWE) June 14, 2022

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