Tonight’s WWE Friday Night SmackDown is live from the MVP Arena in Albany, New York. WWE announced few matches and segments for the tonight’s show.

– Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair will sign the contract to make their SmackDown Women’s Championship ‘I Quit’ official
– Riddle vs. Jey Uso
– Angel Garza vs. Madcap Moss
– Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn in Lumberjack Match

Here The WWE Friday Night SmackDown Full Results:

– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opened with Samantha Irvin introducing Adam Pearce, who is in the ring with a contract signing setup. Pearce welcomes us to SmackDown and then introduces who he calls one of the most dominant women in sports entertainment, the game changer and so on, SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair.
Now, Pearce introduces Ronda Rousey. Pearce tells them we need two signatures to make the match official, but the contract is nowhere to be seen. Pearce looks around and here comes Drew Gulak, with the contract. Pearce apologizes and says Gulak is his new assistant. Gulak enters the ring with the contract and takes the mic. Gulak tells Pearce he’s super-pumped for this opportunity and he’s taking it very serious.
Gulak tells us to look to the big screen for a special Power Point presentation for the rules of the I Quit Match. Flair tells him to shut up before she makes him quit the job before he gets started. Rousey has some words of support for Gulak. Flair taunts Rousey for losing at WrestleMania 38. Fans chant “you tapped out!” but Flair insists she was adjusting her bra. 
Charlotte Flair stands up at the table and goes on about the different ways she can make Rousey quit. Flair raises the title and says she always finds a way to win like she did at WrestleMania. Flair sits back down and signs the contract as Rousey continues looking at her with a smirk.
Now, Flair interrupts them with a reminder that she won at WrestleMania. Rousey starts talking and Flair keeps interrupting with a reminder on her WrestleMania win. Rousey says there will be no referee to save Flair this time, this time Flair will have to say Rousey is better than her, she will abandon her baby, the title, and she will quit. Flair flips the table over. She grabs a hidden kendo stick from under the table and attacks Rousey. Rousey catches the third kendo stick swing and takes Flair down. 
Rousey unloads with kendo stick shots now. Gulak grabs the stick and does away with it. Gulak is preparing the contract is looks like when Rousey grabs him and drops him with her Piper’s Pit submission. Rousey stands over Gulak now, clutching his arm until he gives her a pen, while she has the contract in her other hand. Rousey takes the pen, drops the armbar on Gulak and tightens it, while signing the contract to make things official at WrestleMania Backlash while Pearce stood by and Flair watched from ringside.
– Xavier Woods defeated Butch via pinfall. After the match, The New Day celebrates and Butch begins to seethe as Sheamus and Ridge try to calm him down. Butch exits the ring and goes over the barrier into the crowd. Butch grabs a WWE crew member, rag-dolls him and tosses him back over the barrier. Sheamus and Ridge look on as Butch continues roaming through the crowd, and he seethes some more while walking to the back.
– Gunther defeated Teddy Goodz via pinfall.
– The Raw Tag Team Champions Riddle and Randy Orton are at backstage. Riddle recalls his sick RKO to Jimmy Uso last week, and says he might do something even sicker to Jimmy Uso tonight. Riddle loves coming back to SmackDown to see all his friends here. Drew McIntyre walks up and Riddle greets him. Drew and Orton stare each other down due to their past issues. 
Riddle calms things and says he signed RK-Bro up to be Lumberjacks in tonight’s match with Sami Zayn. Drew says he saw what RK-Bro did last week and anyone who stands up to The Bloodline is good in his book. Orton says he and Drew are good. McIntyre walks one way and RK-Bro goes the other and we see Zayn creeping around, hiding and eavesdropping in the background.
– Riddle defeated Jey Uso via pinfall.
– The WWE Women’s Tag Team champions Sasha Banks and Naomi are in the ring with Kayla Braxton. She brings up how they have been unstoppable since winning the titles at WrestleMania 38. Naomi says they are just getting started. Banks and Naomi go on about being dominant and how it doesn’t matter who comes for the titles next. Now, music interrupts and here comes Natalya and Shayna Baszler. 
Natalya says they must’ve forgotten about the team they did not beat to win the titles. The two teams have a few words in the middle of the ring now. Baszler says they are going to stretch and snap every bone in their bodies, then take the titles from them. Baszler talks some more trash, then shoves Banks down to the mat. Banks comes back to her feet but Naomi holds her back. Naomi dares Baszler and Natalya to try and come take the titles. Banks and Naomi raise the titles in the air as the two teams stare each other down.
– Madcap Moss warming up at backstage and Happy Baron Corbin appears. Corbin congratulates Moss on last week’s win over Humberto, saying all that mentoring must’ve paid off. Corbin thinks it’s time to be the bigger man as he’s willing to forgive Moss. 
Corbin says it is time and Moss made his point, but he will be the bigger man and forgive Moss. Moss admits they shared some good laughs. Moss brings up possibly going back as Corbin’s sidekick but says there’s a better chance of Corbin growing a full head of hair. Corbin walks off and Moss breaks out in laughter.
– Madcap Moss defeated Garza via pinfall. After the match, Moss stood all but Happy Baron Corbin attacks from behind. Corbin beats Moss down and stomps away in the corner. Corbin grabs Moss and drops him with End of Days. Corbin exits the ring an approaches the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy. Corbin, a former winner of the match, hoists the trophy onto his shoulder and walks away with it. 
– We see Sami Zayn creeping around at backstage and approaches the locker room door of Roman Reigns. Sami hesitates but it looks like he’s about to knock on the door.
– The Bloodline at backstage. The Usos are disappointed with the loss to Riddle, and Jey Uso says it won’t happen again. Roman Reigns also looks disappointed. Paul Heyman walks up and says they have a guest – Sami Zayn. Sami says it’s good to see Reigns. He starts off by acknowledging him and complimenting him on how good his work has been as of late. 
Sami goes on about how he’s the locker room leader, as Reigns has his own, and he’s heard things and seen things, and he saw Drew McIntyre getting chummy with RK-Bro, and now they are going to be Lumberjacks in tonight’s match. Sami says he’s not a rat or a snitch, but they said some disrespectful things about Reigns and his family.
Sami goes on and says his reputation has taken hit after hit, and now people think he’s afraid of McIntyre. Sami says he needs to beat Drew to get back the respect he’s owed, so he was thinking maybe he could get some kind of help? Sami says he would be more than helpful in return if Reigns can help him out. Sami says he could be a very valuable ally. 
Sami is on his knees now, pleading with Reigns and begging him for some help. Sami says he needs Reigns to acknowledge him, because he’s acknowledging Reigns. Reigns just looks at him. Sami gets up and sarcastically says that was a great talk, alright and walks off. Reigns tells The Usos that we have people on his show talking trash about him, so go take his name out of their mouths.
– Michael Cole sends us to Chapter 3 of the Lacey Evans Story. Evans is backstage for another pre-recorded promo. She says growing up if they weren’t living in tents, it was trailers with holes in the floor or houses with mold. She talks more about her dad’s issues, and how she grew up without her mom for the most important years of her life. She didn’t have mommy to lean on so she was left crying into a pile of dirty clothes. 
She does her own makeup and stuff now, and had to teach herself what beauty was. She goes on about competing in amateur wrestling when she was younger, and without the support at home it was up to her to succeed. She recalls walking home two miles in the rain, from work, school and wrestling, only to find her high father passed out on the couch, with a cigarette in his mouth. 
Evans learned how unbreakable she was and how sorry she felt for people who haven’t been put in dangerous situations to find themselves. Evans repeats the line from the two previous weeks, about how what she’s been through in life has made her a motivated, ready for anything, confident, mother, wife, sister, daughter, U.S. Marine, and a WWE Superstar, and how she’s no better than the other WWE Superstars, but they’re damn sure no better than her.
– Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn Lumberjack match ended in no contest. At the closing moments, Drew goes for the Claymore Kick but Sami retreats to the floor. RK-Bro goes to roll him back in but The Usos hits Orton and Riddle with big superkicks. The Usos exit up the ramp while RK-Bro is laid out. The other Lumberjacks start brawling around the ringside. Drew stops Sami from retreating into the crowd.
Drew rolls back Sami in but Sheamus, Shanky and Jinder attack Drew from behind. They roll Drew back in but the heel Lumberjacks are attacked by The New Day, Nakamura and others. Drew gets to his feet and looks around but doesn’t see Sami. Drew instead runs the ring and leaps out, taking down a big group of Lumberjacks at ringside. 
Sami sees what just happened. He takes the opportunity and hops over the barrier, running away through the crowd. Adam Pearce appears on the stage now. He insults Sami for running away from a Lumberjack Match, and announces that next week’s SmackDown will see Sami and Drew do battle in a Steel Cage match. 
Jinder suddenly attacks Drew McIntyre from behind and beats him down in the corner as Sami looks terrified in the crowd as he runs away. Shanky joins Jinder now. Drew fights back them and hits two Glasgow Kiss headbutts. Drew points up at Sami in the crowd, then drops Jinder with a big Claymore Kick.
Drew looks back at Sami and smiles. Drew goes to McAfee and yells into his head-set, saying there will be no escape for Sami next week as he plans to tear Sami apart. Drew takes his sword and stands on top of the announce table now, pointing up at Sami and yelling at him and SmackDown goes off the air.

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