Vince McMahon has been at the head of WWE for decades. The Chairman of WWE is 76 years old, and he remains as active as he was 10 years ago. Over the years, there has often been a lot of speculation about his eventual successor. A new report has suggested that Triple H has been groomed for that role.

The Game Triple H took a backstage role over the years after he stopped competing as a full-time superstar. His last match took place in 2019, even though he did return for a “fight” against Randy Orton on Monday Night Raw during the ThunderDome Era. He ran NXT for a long time before it got rebranded.
According to the Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Triple H is the only person who was being groomed to become McMahon’s successor in WWE. He also stated that AEW “beating” NXT has now reduced his chances of taking that role.
”As far as the successor to Vince McMahon, the reality is that WWE still hasn’t really groomed anyone else,” wrote Meltzer. “But Levesque’s NXT failed in its major directive, both not killing off AEW at the start, but also in drawing a bigger and a younger audience.”
Last September, Triple H suffered from a serious cardiac event. Dave Meltzer also noted that Triple H was being groomed to take over from Vince McMahon for the past 15-20 years. But with his health condition, that outcome is unlikely to happen now.
”The person who had been groomed for probably the last 15 to 20 years to be the guy who would eventually replace his father-in-law, Vince McMahon, in charge of the wrestling side of WWE, is now in a position where it is unlikely, and certainly not the best idea, for him to ever get into that position,” wrote Meltzer.

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