After the weeks of speculation, The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes return back to WWE after six years at WrestleMania 38 Night One. He faced The Visionary Seth Rollins in a 20-minute match and picked up the huge victory.

While speaking to Variety, Cody Rhodes said that he told WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, Bruce Prichard, and WWE President Nick Khan that he’s the best wrestler in the world and excited to prove that with this opportunity.
“I told Vince McMahon, Bruce Prichard and Nick Khan — this very small circle of individuals — I told them what I truly believe and it’s that I’m the best wrestler in the world. And to go further with it, I actually don’t think there’s a close second. But with that said, the opportunity now exists to prove it, and that’s what I’m most excited about.”
The former Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes further stated that he wants to win the world title, something that his father, the late great Dusty Rhodes, didn’t achieve in WWE.
“But different person or not, I’m still that little kid that I mentioned in an AEW promo that wants what my dad didn’t get, and I’m not going to say it out loud because I don’t want to jinx it,” said Rhodes.

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