WWE Chairman Vince McMahon recently appeared as special guest on The Pat McAfee’s Show and discussed about several topics. During the show, Pat McAfee asked Vince McMahon about his mindset before releasing superstars from the company. Here what McMahon said:

“I’m always concerned about what’s best for the audience. Always. What does the audience want? And if you have deadweight around you or situations where someone is not cutting it, and you have an opportunity for someone else to come in, it’s like, ‘Okay, that’s probably the best thing.’
WWE Boss Vince McMahon further added that he has brought back superstars who left the company because he does what’s best for the product. Here what Vince McMahon said:
“It’s one of the reasons why, you know, with Hogan and a lot of those guys who left me at one time and why I brought him back. It’s like, ‘I’ll never bring that son of a bi*ch back as long as I live.’ When you say stuff like that you’re hurting yourself because you’re not thinking about your audience. You’re not thinking about your product,” said McMahon. (H/T: Sportskeeda)

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