The Prizefighter Kevin Owens invited Stone Cold Steve Austin to be his guest on his talk show at WrestleMania 38 and Austin also accepted that invitation via social media on March 10th, 2022. Now, it was reporting that Steve Austin training hard ahead of WrestleMania.

On the most recent episode of the Sunday Night’s Main Event podcast, Dave Meltzer stated that WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold training very hard ahead of WrestleMania. He also added that we can expect a lengthy brawl from Stone Cold at Grandest Stage of Them All.
“He’s training very hard so it’s gonna be more than that. Will he do a 20 minute match? No, I don’t think so. Will he go 7 minutes or something and have a brawl all over the place? I kind of expect that, yeah.” (H/T: Ringside News)

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