WWE Hall of Fame Lita returned back to SmackDown after 20 years and SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair had confrontation with her that leads to Lita put the champion down with Twist of Fate. Lita also announced for the upcoming 30-Women Royal Rumble match.

The SmackDown Superstar Shotzi Blackheart is all set to participate in the upcoming Women’s Royal Rumble match. She recently shared a tweet stating that Lita is her role model and also warned that she can’t wait to eliminate her in the Royal Rumble match.
 “7yrs ago I left tough enough due to a heart condition. But Lita called it! I made it! I’m here @WWE and with more heart than anyone! I cant wait to eliminate my biggest role model @AmyDumas #RoyalRumble All guts. No fear. Ballsy Badass,” wrote Shotzi.

7yrs ago I left tough enough due to a heart condition. But Lita called it! I made it! Im here @WWE and with more heart than anyone! I cant wait to eliminate my biggest role model @AmyDumas #RoyalRumble All guts. No fear. Ballsy Badass. https://t.co/ckMW0f9BcB

— Shotzi (@ShotziWWE) January 17, 2022

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