On the recent edition of WWE’s The Bump show, The Celtic Warrior Sheamus sat down with Kayla Braxton, Matt Camp, and Ryan Pappolla and discussed about his appearance at the upcoming Royal Rumble 2022 and his future in the WWE.

The former WWE Champion Sheamus talked about his victory at WWE Day 1, how he defeated Cesaro and Ricochet in 2-on1 match after his partner Ridge Holland left due to injury. He also stated that Roman Reigns was afraid of him and decided to face Seth Rollins, a RAW superstar, at Royal Rumble.
“Everyone is afraid to face me. 2-on-1 and I cleaned house. Now I’m going to the Rumble, which I’m okay doing but still, there’s no doubt about it. Roman’s running scared picking up Seth Rollins from RAW. Let’s be honest about that. Who else is left?”, Sheamus declared. (H/T: Sportskeeda)

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