Tonight’s WWE Monday Night Raw is live from the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. WWE announced that All Mighty Bobby Lashley will address the Day 1 event. Edge to host The Cutting Edge show with Maryse as special guest. The Miz to host Miz TV with AJ Styles and Omos as special guests.

WWE also announced Finn Balor vs. Austin Theory, Bianca Belair vs. Doudrop, Rey Mysterio & Dominik vs. AJ Styles & Omos, Damian Priest vs. Dolph Ziggler and Rhea Ripley vs. Zelina Vega for tonight’s show.

Here The WWE Monday Night Raw Full Results:

– Tonight’s WWE Raw opened with The AllMighty Bobby Lashley making his way to the ring along with MVP. They entered the ring and MVP takes the mic. He tells fans to give praise to The All Mighty but they boo louder. MVP brings up what Lashley accomplished last week, saying it would be impossible for any other man and says no one can disrespect Lashley again because he’s shown what will happen, and you must acknowledge Lashley because he’s shown that we are living in The All Mighty era.
Now, music interrupts and here comes Big E. WWE Champion Big E gives Lashley some props but brings up how MVP hit him in the knee with the cane last week. Big E says maybe Lashley doesn’t have the cojones he thought he did. Lashley says he would’ve beat Big E anyway and didn’t need any kind of help. Lashley says MVP did that on his own. 
Lashley goes on about how he didn’t need MVP’s help to beat any of the others last week, and MVP agrees. Lashley brings up how MVP said he’d beat Big E if Lashley couldn’t last week. Lashley says MVP is a former champion and all, so he wants to see if this is true. Lashley goes to ringside to watch, and says MVP has his cane to use it if he needs to. Big E get ready for a fight.
But suddenly Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens attacks Bobby Lashley from behind at ringside. They double team Lashley and send him shoulder-first into the ring post. Big E sees this and runs out and fights with Owens and Rollins. They launch the champ into the ring post. Owens and Rollins hit the ring and stomp away on Lashley. Big E runs in to make the save. Now, Big E and Lashley clear the ring now, taking out Rollins and Owens.
– Bianca Belair at backstage warming up and Sarah Schreiber approaches. She asks Belair about her tonight’s match is being billed as the final chapter between she and Doudrop. Belair cuts a promo and says she is The EST of WWE and now they have one final match for Doudrop to finally learn that she can never take Belair out, no matter how hard she tries. Belair says this one will end like the others have, with her hand raised in the air as the undeniable of WWE and walks off.
– Kevin Owens at backstage yelling at Seth Rollins about how they need to try to take Bobby Lashley out again. Rollins agrees but can’t hear himself think. Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce walk up and make the main event – Owens and Rollins vs. Lashley and WWE Champion Big E and they walk off. Seth Rollins isn’t happy with that match.
– Bianca Belair defeated Doudrop via pinfall.
– Austin Theory at backstage looking into his phone now. Now, Kevin Patrick stops him for his comments, bringing up how WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon has invested his own time into Theory as of late. Theory says he feels like the luckiest Superstar in the world and there’s a reason why Vince is so proud of him. He goes on and thinks Vince sees him as the future WWE Champion and walks off.
– Finn Balor defeated Austin Theory via pinfall.
– The Miz at backstage with Omos now. Miz says this will be a fascination episode of MizTV and we will see if Edge can do better with The Cutting Edge. Miz also thanked Omos for sharing something with him. AJ Styles walks up and asks what Miz was talking about but decides it doesn’t matter. Miz says he will see them in the ring. AJ says they will let Miz do his little song and dance tonight, then he wants to beat The Mysterios and be back in the run for the Raw Tag Team Titles and back on top before the end of the year. Omos says he can’t wait, but maybe he didn’t mean it.
– The Miz makes his way to the ring for the another must see edition of MizTV. Miz sends a message of love to his wife Maryse and says if she loves him and their family, she will not discuss their relationship on The Cutting Edge tonight. Miz then says tonight’s guests are more combustible than Urban Meyer and his coaching staff. The music hits and here comes AJ Styles and Omos.
Miz welcomes AJ and Omos, and Omos tossed his chair out of the ring. He brings up what happened last week and the recent issues between Styles and Omos, and wonders if the magic is gone. AJ says it’s just like Miz and his wife and goes on and calls it growing pains, noting that he had to take Omos under his wing but Omos has made great strides. 
AJ says he meant what he said before about how unstoppable they can be when they are on the same page. He says they did go off the rails a little, but it happens. He goes on praising Omos and says he could be tag team champions by himself if he wanted. AJ says they are on the same page and seeing eye-to-eye now. AJ is ready to move on from what happened and clean house in WWE. AJ proposes they take all the titles in WWE.
Miz says that’s such a big idea, but what if he heard otherwise. AJ says yeah right, from who? Miz says from Omos. AJ knows how Miz deflects on MizTV, and wants to ask a question now. He asks what kind of man puts the mother of his children in harm’s way. Now, Miz and AJ have words now. Then, Miz says Omos said he’s sick and tired of carrying AJ, and that when he stepped foot in WWE he was already the biggest and brightest, and hasn’t needed AJ, and that AJ has been holding him back ever since he “recruited” him. 
Miz says this mutual respect thing is one-sided, pointing to how it took AJ years to get to WWE while WWE begged Omos. Miz goes on and AJ tells if he’s done, and says this is why the should’ve never came on MizTV. AJ asks Omos what’s going on, he’s all ears. Before Omos can speak, the music interrupts and here comes Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio.
– Rey Mysterio and Dominik defeated AJ Styles and Omos via pinfall in quick match. At the closing moments, AJ goes to tag Omos but he ignores, then, Rey takes advantage and rolls up AJ for pin. AJ Styles is disappointed and looks at Omos, who is still turned away from him on the apron, looking into the crowd. AJ asks if this is how it’s going to be and says he never should’ve helped Omos because he’s a piece of trash. 
AJ grabs Omos and attacks but Omos comes over the top rope as AJ unloads while he’s hung up on the rope. Omos fights back but AJ keeps fighting and is still up. AJ springboards for the Phenomenal Forearm but Omos catches him in mid-air, puts AJ on his shoulders and then drives him into the mat while yelling out. Omos takes the mic and says next time AJ sees him it will be in a match… against you. Trash that and tosses the mic down at AJ.
– Randy Orton defeated Chad Gable via pinfall. After the match, Orton stood tall but Otis tries to sneak attack but Orton fights and goes for the RKO but it’s blocked. They briefly tangle and Otis blocks another RKO attempt. Orton counters that and tries again but Otis blocks the third RKO attempt in a row. Orton retreats and makes his exit as Alpha Academy seethes in the ring.
– Bobby Lashley is in the locker room now and MVP approaches and asks if he’s good for the night and if he can trust Big E. Lashley says he can’t trust Big E, but he’s going to beat the hell out of Rollins and Owens, and if Big E gets in his way, then he will do the same to Big E. MVP asks about what happened between them in the ring and if Lashley was just setting a trap, right? 
MVP says he can take care of himself, he just wants to know. Lashley ignores the question and says he needs to re-hydrate, and asks if MVP can get him some water. MVP says sure champ, I’ve got you, and then walks off.
– We see Reggie and WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke were looking at Christmas trees on display earlier today at a local park. Brooke thanked Reggie for bringing her here. Now, they are walking to look at the rest of the park. Akira Tozawa appears dressed as an elf, looking for R-Truth. Tamina Snuka appears and yells at him for getting involved when she warned he and R-Truth to stay out of her way. 
She tells Tozawa to stay put as she goes looking for Brooke. R-Truth is dressed as Santa Claus, offering time on his lap. Brooke retreats as Reggie holds Santa Truth down. Tamina catches up with Brooke but Brooke unloads and fights her off. Reggie and Dana retreat to safety. Tamina seethes at Truth and Tozawa, who also run away now.
– Dolph Ziggler defeated Damian Priest via count out and became the new #1 contender for the WWE United States Championship. After the match, Priest attacked Robert Roode, who cost his match via count out.
– Kevin Patrick stops Finn Balor at backstage and asks him how it felt to defeat Austin Theory after his recent antics. Balor says the win was satisfying, and he hopes Theory took plenty of selfies while getting his ass beat, but now onto more important thin… but Theory suddenly attacks from behind and beats Balor down. Theory talks some trash and slams Balor on top of a road case, then takes a selfie. Referees check on Balor and yells at Theory to leave.
– Vince McMahon is in his office and Austin Theory walks in, apparently after Vince sent for him. Theory apologizes and explains himself, and says he got Finn Balor back. Theory calls it a cold-blooded, calculated attack, but he got Balor back. It’s really hard to make out what Vince is saying these days. Vince says he liked that but Theory still lost his match, and maybe he should fire Theory. 
Vince says he likes firing people, it gives him a warm feeling inside, especially before the holidays. Vince says he will give Theory another chance in the form of a rematch against Balor next week and hopes he’s not making a mistake. Vince says he didn’t become a ruthless billionaire by making minor adjustments and erases something on a piece of paper, with an eraser like he pointed to last week, and ends the segment with a “Ho! Ho! Ho!” as Theory looks away.
– WWE Hall of Fame Edge makes his way to the ring for The Cutting Edge show. Edge welcomes us and says he’s been waiting a long time to say that. Edge introduces his guest for tonight, saying they don’t have much in common except for the fact they’re both Canadian and both frustrated with The Miz. The music hits and here comes Maryse. 
Edge asks how frustrating it is to be married to Miz. Maryse says they’re not friends, she’s not going to be his buddy and talk bad about her husband, she’s not here for that, she just wants to use this platform to speak. Edge asks if she couldn’t get a spot on MizTV. Maryse talks about how her husband is narcissistic, and doesn’t let anyone get a word in. 
Edge didn’t realize this would be a therapy session. Maryse says everyone thinks she has this perfect life but at the end of the day she is a person, and just wants a big thank you from her husband, for what she does at their home, for their businesses, and every single thing she does for them. Maryse says she’s truly exhausted, she’s tired and says last week Edge could’ve really hurt her bad and he didn’t. She says she has two kids and who’s going to take care of them if something happens to her?
Maryse gets emotional and asks Edge if he ever would’ve done this to his wife, WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix. Edge says he’s sorry… sorry that her life is some kind of horrible country song. Edge asks if anyone else is buying this? and fans started boos. Edge tells Miz to cut the act and believes Miz sent Maryse out here to bait him into a trap. Edge calls Miz out. 
Edge says no, he would not do this to Beth because he respects her and calls out Miz again. Now, music hits and Maryse walks away to the corner but Miz tries to sneak attack. Edge beats him down then Maryse hits Edge with her purse and then slaps him. Now, Miz hits Skull Crushing Finale in the middle of the ring to Edge. Maryse laughs now and kisses Miz. The music starts as Miz and Maryse exit the ring, all smiles and back on the same page. Edge slowly recovers on the mat.
– Rhea Ripley defeated Zelina Vega via pinfall.
– Sarah Schreiber stops WWE Champion Big E at backstage and asks if he and Bobby Lashley can.. but Big E interrupts and tells her not to say the filthy co-exist word. Big E gets hyped up but Schreiber steps away when Lashley appears. Big E asks if Lashley came to talk or fight, or does he need to prepare for another sneak attack by MVP. Lashley doesn’t need help to win the WWE Title, but tonight he’s focused on beating up Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins, and wonders if he can trust Big E. Big E tells him to leave MVP in the back. Lashley tells him not to worry about MVP.
– Liv Morgan makes her way to the ring and stands in the ring with a kendo stick. Liv Morgan talks about how Lynch tried to help herself at Day 1 by injuring her arm last week and goes on about how she couldn’t let Becky get the upperhand, so she followed Becky to the gym that Becky owns with her try-hard husband Seth Rollins to attack, but little did Liv know that Becky had something similar in mind. Liv shows us the footage that aired on social media this past weekend.
Liv agress that Becky may have been a step ahead there, but she learned Becky is afraid of her as she had a student dress up like her because she knew Liv was coming for payback. Liv didn’t want to beat up an innocent woman but she was so happy when she thought it was Becky. Liv further says it will be her arm raised at the end of the WWE Day 1 match, and Becky will have all the time in the world to hang out with her baby and husband. 
Liv says Becky can try to break her arm, but at Day 1 she’s going to break Becky’s face and leave with the Raw Women’s Title. Now, music interrupts and here comes Becky Lynch. Becky congratulates Liv for beating a poor girl senseless and says she’s paid her dues, which is why she’s not soft, and it’ll take more than a few kendo stick shots to keep her down, and when you’re this Big Time, you’re too big to be down. 
They both have words and Becky says Liv did show her students that everyone can get lucky at least once, but at Day 1 she will show them that luck does run out. Becky says Liv has stepped up more than she thought and says she can’t scare her any longer because she will start off the New Year as champion.
Liv says her spotlight feels good and tells Becky can come check it out, and finish what she tried to start. They have some more words and Liv throws kendo stick out at Becky’s feet, saying she brought it for Becky to use, not for herself. Becky yells at Liv and tells her not to disrespect her. Becky says Liv is lucky she has a private jet to catch and storms off as Liv stands tall in the ring.
– Bobby Lashley and Big E defeated Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens via pinfall. After the match, there’s some confusion as Rollins broke up the pin but the referee already counted the pin and the decision is final. Then, Rollins attacks Lashley and Owens also joined Rollins. They take apart the steel ring steps, then, Big E came to save but they smashed the upper half into Big E’s face. 
Now, They run the steps into Lashley’s face now to put him down. Rollins helps Owens deliver an apron powerbomb to Lashley at ringside. Now, Owens holds Lashley down face-first to the steel steps, then, Rollins delivers the Stomp, smashing Lashley’s face into the steel. Owens and Rollins return to the ring and shake hands. They both seem suspicious of each other as they turn their backs. Then, they rush towards each other but stop and hugged each other. Rollins and Owens stand tall together and Raq goes off the air.

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