WWE Referee Jimmy Korderas Reveals That Edge Asked Him To Officiate His Match Against Undertaker At WrestleMania 24

Jimmy Korderas is one the most famous referees in Pro Wrestling history and well-known for his 22-year tenure with WWE, he joined the promotion in 1987 and left in 2009. 
The Legendary WWE referee Jimmy Korderas recently had an interview with Wrestling Inc and spoke about the Vince McMahon interactions with referees and talent on the roster. He said that Vince is less interactive with referees compare to the superstars in the company. Vince mostly use agents to deal with referees told by Korderas.
Here what Jimmy Korderas said: “He’s not as hands on with refs as he is with wrestlers. At the same time, when he sees something that he really likes, he will acknowledge it. If he thinks there’s something we can correct, he’ll point out that as well. Generally, he leaves the referees to the agents because there’s this persona that surrounds Vince that maybe all the refs are too intimidated by him.”
During the interview, Korderas also revealed that how Edge approached him to officite his match against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 24.
“Edge comes up to me and says, ‘you got a minute? Taker and I are requesting for you to ref our match at Mania 24.’ I figured they had the stroke to get it done. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. And as the weeks go on, you go, ‘oh boy, I better not screw this up.’ The pressure is on now.” (H/T: Wrestling Inc)
At WrestleMaina 24, The Rated-R superstar Edge put his WWE World Heavyweight Title on the line against The Undertaker. that match was won The Deadman by forcing Edge to tap out for Hell’s Gate to win the title.

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