Stone Cold Steve Austin Says He Didn’t Like Royal Rumble Matches

WWE Royal Rumble 2021 is going to take place on January 31st, it was the one of the most popular event and considered as one of the big four pay-per-views in WWE along with WrestleMania, Survivor Series and Summer Slam. 

Stone Cold Steve Austin is the one of the superstars who is most successful in 30-man Royal Rumble Match with three wins in 1997, 1998 and 2001, as made a surprising statement about the Royal Rumble Match.
The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold recently had an interview with Ryan Satin of FOX Sports and discussed many topics including about Royal Rumble event. Stone Cold stated that he didn’t like Royal Rumbles and shared his experience about his first Royal Rumble Match.
“I’ll share this with you. I won three Royal Rumbles, but I didn’t really like Royal Rumbles, because there’s so much going on. So many things that can’t go wrong because everything’s gotta work out. You know what I’m speaking of, without just spelling it out. I’ll never forget in San Diego at my first Royal Rumble. I was supposed to be the fourth guy left in the ring and Rikishi, or somebody, gave me a clothesline and the ropes were so baby oiled up from everybody wearing baby oil, I slipped. There was a bunch of guys in the ring and I went out way early. I hit the ground, and I’m still pretty new in the company at this time, Ryan, but they’re gonna try to keep me in the Rumble, so they’re giving me a little bit of a push and I blew it!” said Stone Cold Steve Austin. (H/T: FOX Sports)

Despite of not liking Royal Rumble, Stone Cold was happy for winning three Royal Rumble Matches and also mentioned that there is chance for Randy Orton to equate his record, who won it twice.

“I didn’t really care for Royal Rumbles. I won three and I’m glad that I won three. I think Randy Orton, if he wins – hadn’t he won two?” said Stone Cold Steve Austin

Will Randy Orton match up the Stone Cold record by winning Royal Rumble third time? Comment below.

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