MVP Suggested A Huge Dream Match At WrestleMania

WWE Veteran and former United States Champion MVP recommend a big match at main event of WrestleMania involving Brock Lesnar.
Recently, WWE on FOX Twitter handle posted a tweet asking fans about to book their dream WrestleMania main event. Then, MVP responded to the tweet stating that he match between Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar. 
He also mentioned that he will be side of Bobby Lashley and Paul Heyman to manage his client Brock Lesnar. Check the tweet below:

The CHO (Chief Hurt Officer) of The Hurt Business, Bobby Lashley with MVP…


Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman

— MVP (@The305MVP) January 18, 2021

Bobby Lashley also always looking to have match with Brock Lesnar but that it isn’t happen. But he didn’t lose his hope about that match and also recently tweeted about Brock Lesnar stating he will take on Lesnar whenever and wherever.

Once I’m done taking out this Brock wannabe, as I’ve said for YEARS, I’ll take Lesnar whenever, wherever.

— Bobby Lashley (@fightbobby) January 15, 2021

Currently, Bobby Lashley is United States Champion in WWE and also integral part of Hurt Business faction involving MVP, Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander. Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley is a huge dream match that fans always wanted to see the clash between this heavyweights but it seems to lesser chance of happening because Brock is no longer under WWE Contract.

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