AJ Styles believes Roman Reigns return will increase the WWE Ratings

WWE Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles having a good time in Smackdown as the Champion and he has confidence that no one will take away the Championship from him.
Recently AJ Styles have the interview with SunSports, where he talked about the low WWE ratings. He said that the Regins is the biggest star in WWE and his return would increase the WWE ratings and turn the things around.

“You can’t deny the fact that Roman Reigns is one of the biggest stars in WWE,” admitted Styles. “He’s WWE. I mean, he’s the guy. So to get him back could be a big help.”

AJ Styles also credited Roman for his success in WWE. He helped him so much during his start in WWE in 2016. Reigns was a big star, but not every fan liked him, so it helped AJ get over with the WWE crowd.
“You have this indie guy in 2016,” he explained. “This guy from Japan just walked right in there and step in the ring with Roman Reigns. Now the perfect scenario was in place because not everybody loved Roman. Now he is definitely one of the biggest stars but not everyone loved Roman then and so you have this indie darling, right?”

“And it was like, oh, they made it easy for me to be in there with Roman, because Roman is such a huge star. It only got better from there when I had the opportunity to get in the ring with Roman, one of the pay per views, actually a couple of pay per views I think. When I’ve got a title opportunity, it was against Roman Reigns. Unbelievable match. I’ve watched it back. Wow. I can’t believe we did all this stuff that was really good. So, yeah, Roman Reigns is a big part of the reason why my career’s where it’s at.”

Roman Reigns is out of WWE from March due to pandemic and he had no plans to return WWE soon. He was taking time for his family during this pandemic. Let’s see when he will return to WWE.

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