Tonight’s show will feature the fallout from WWE Backlash last night, the biggest takeaways from which were Randy Orton defeating Edge, Drew McIntyre retaining the WWE Championship, and the Street Profits and Viking Raiders defeating a horde of ninjas.
WWE has already confirmed that Orton will open tonight’s show and address his big win over Edge. Also, Drew McIntyre is seeking a new challenger for his title, Seth Rollins has invited Rey Mysterio and Dominik to RAW, and both will indeed be on the show, and we will see a rematch between Asuka and Nia Jax after the two battled to a double count-out last night.
And those are the major beats for tonight’s RAW. Follow along here for live updates and enjoy the show!
Tonight’s RAW opens with the announce team telling us that Drew McIntyre will team with R-Truth to face Bobby Lashley and MVP. The Viper, Randy Orton making his entrance. Last night Orton defeated Edge in a gruelling, intense match.
Orton comes to the ring and he says that he knew all along that Edge wasn’t the same competitor. He tried to help him but he was stubborn. He trusted Edge years ago when he saved him from self-destruction. So Edge should have trusted him in January. He wasn’t the last man standing at WrestleMania but he stands there tonight. Last night he won the greatest wrestling match ever, and that makes him the greatest wrestler ever. He says he knows Edge isn’t here because he’s injured but maybe their paths will cross again in, say, nine years.
Christian comes out and he says he knows what kind of man Randy is, he’s a cold, calculated son-of-a-bitch. And he knows what kind of man Edge is. He’ll be back and he’ll end his career on his terms. Orton says this isn’t about Christian. It’s never been about Christian, he’s just jealous. Orton says he knows the look in Christian’s eyes, he knows him better than he knows himself. 
Christian is only out here because he wants one more match. Christian denies it but Randy says he knows Christian hates that, like Edge, he had his career taken from him. Well how about they go to the well one more time, and have an unsanctioned match tonight? Christian doesn’t answer.
Charly Caruso interviews Angel Garza and Zelina Vega backstage. Vega denies any rumours of dissention in her group. Garza says he feels for Andrade for losing his United States Championship. Tonight he will take on Kevin Owens and afterwards he’d like Charly to come out and interview him. Andrade walks up and shakes Garza’s hand, saying he hopes he can beat Owens tonight. And hopes he can get over the disappointment of getting pinned last week.
*Commercial Break*
Garza runs instantly for a dropkick but Owens avoids it and unloads on him. Owens backs Angel into the corner but out comes Andrade, music and all, and Zelina looks pissed.
Owens attacks Garza again and chops him in the corner. Garza rips the pants off but Owens knocks him from the ring. Andrade and Garza get into a shoving match at ringside and Vega gets between them. She says she is sick of it all and storms off.
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Garza is beating Owens down in the corner. He runs for a seated senton but nobody’s home. Owens kicks and chops him, then runs for a cannonball but Garza rolls to the apron. Garza hits Owens with an enziguiri, then a missile dropkick for a two-count.
Owens comes back with right hands and a headbutt, but Andrade then pulls his foot and causes a distraction. But Garza is the one who gets distracted and Owens hits a Stunner for the win.
Andrade shakes his head like he did what he could to help. Vega comes down to the ring as Andrade and Garza are arguing. She yells that they need to fight together because they want the same thing. The trio leave together.
We see a replay of last night’s WWE Championship match between Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley. MVP and Lashley are backstage, and MVP says he guarantees it will be smooth-sailing from here. Sarah Schrieber tries to interview them but MVP is rude and says they’re going to address everything right now.
*Commercial Break*
MVP and Lashley come to the ring and the former says that last night, after 13 years, Bobby Lashley had his night ruined. And Drew McIntyre had the audacity capitalized on the circumstances. MVP says Lana came down looking for attention, as she always does, and cost Lashley the WWE Championship. He says she has been explicitly told time and again to steer clear of the ring.
Lana comes down with a microphone and she says it was Lashley’s idea that she stay away from ringside. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, she even puts his career ahead of hers. She got a divorce for him! All his blessings came from her. MVP calls her a thot and says she has cost him everything. Lana says MVP is a snake, while MVP says before he came along Lashley couldn’t get a sniff of the main event. 
Lana says everything was perfect, they were on a hot streak. Lashley asks her when was the last time she won anything but a bunch of likes on social media. And he had a chance to make his moment but she made it all about herself. He says he is sick and tired of her putting their personal lives on social media. Lana says Lashley is delusional, that if she wanted to use sex for attention she would have slept with someone more famous, like Drew McIntyre. Lashley says he wants a divorce and storms off.
We get a recap of the Anything You Can Do, We Can Do Better segments, and see some highlights of last night’s ridiculous brawl. Sarah Schreiber welcomes both teams backstage and asks if they have an endgame for how to figure out who is the best. Ford says the plan was to end it last night but instead they had to assemble to fight a greater enemy: motorcycle ninjas. Akira Tozawa and his ninjas walk up as they’re discussing a cinematic universe, and he asks for a sequel. They say they’re down for a sequel any time. Tozawa calls in his seven foot ninja and they share a staredown. For says he has an idea.
*Commercial Break*
Erik starts the match against Ninja One and he hits a dropkick, then tags Dawkins and he hits a big spear. Erik scoop slams Dawkins onto Ninja One. Ninja Two runs in and Ford tags in to hit a dropkick. Tag to Ivar, who throws Ford onto Ninja Two.
Erik gets the tag as two Ninja’s run in and get spinebustered. Ford and Ivar hit stereo splashes from the top and score the pin.
The Viking Profits do a four-man high-five, then Akira Tozawa comes in with Big Ninja. Before all hell breaks loose, The Big Show comes out and lays out all the Ninja’s with WMD’s. The Viking Profits celebrate with Show as Tozawa and Big Ninja retreat.
We see Seth Rollins walking backstage. He’s stopped by Caruso for an interview. Seth says he has plans for Rey tonight and he wants Dominik as well. And he knows Dominik is here, despite his father’s wishes. He’s going to the ring now to deliver a message to the legend.
*Commercial Break*
We see Christian on the phone backstage. He says he knows all the risks but he doesn’t know if he can let Randy away with this one.
The Monday Night Messiah comes to the ring. Seth says he came out here last week and kindly invited Rey Mysterio to come to RAW tonight, just to have a conversation. To clear the air. And that’s because Rey is a hero who sacrificed himself for the greater good. Unfortunately Rey has declined but his son Dominik is here.
Mysterio appears on the screen and tells Seth he didn’t know Dominik was on his way to RAW, but that he’s giving Seth one warning. Rollins is offended by the implication that he would hurt Dominik. He says Dominik is part of the greater good and he implores Rey to help him help Dominik. Seth wants Dominik to join his cause. Rey is flabbergasted and says no way.
Rollins says Rey is leaving him with very few options, that Murphy and Theory are out there looking for Dominik right now. Rey says if Seth hurts Dominik he will end him. Rollins says an eye for an eye, that’s what Rey said. Dominik only has two options; stand with him on the right side of history, or make the same choice that Rey made. Seth drops to his knees but Dominik attacks him from behind! Dominik attacks Seth until Murphy and Theory come running. Dominik ducks and dodges them and escapes through the crowd. Seth is incensed.
MVP and Lashley are backstage again when R-Truth walks up. Truth says he wants to give his condolences but he can’t remember the word. Truth says he feels bad because Lashley went to Claymore country. He doesn’t even know where that is but it sounds far and he must be jet-lagged. And now Lashley is getting a divorce, that’s a raw deal. Lashley threatens Truth but he just walks off.
The Firefly Fun House returns this Friday Night. Plus Miz TV will host both Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose, and AJ Styles will have a celebration for winning the Intercontinental Championship.
*Commercial Break*
MVP and Lashley are walking around a warehouse area of the Performance Centre, looking for R-Truth. They find him under the ring and he says he’s looking for ninjas. Drew McIntyre appears and he tells Lashley he needs to get rid of a leech like MVP. MVP gets made and tells Drew that he has helped Lashley realise his potential. Lashley says if Drew is a true Champion then he’ll put his WWE Championship on the line, and Truth will put his 24/7 Championship on the line. Winner takes all. Truth agrees but McIntyre isn’t happy.
Peyton starts against Natalya, but quickly tags Kay and she drops her before posing. Kay taunts Morgan, then Natalya rolls her up for a two-count. Morgan tags in and drops Kay with a dropkick. Royce hits Nattie and distracts the referee while Liv pins Kay for well over three seconds. Royce with a blind tag and they hit their finish on Morgan for the pinfall.

Peyton and Billy address Sasha Banks and Bayley and says that’s what they’re capable of. They challenge them to a title match right now but the Champs don’t appear. The IIconics say they know someone who can make it official next week.
Christian is backstage and Big Show walks in. Big Show says Christian knows the perils of an unsanctioned match against Orton. And Christian knows he only has two options; to go home and hold his head high, or to go out there, look Randy in the eye, and tell him he’s not a punk. Christian thanks Big Show and says he knows what he has to do.
*Commercial Break*
Natalya and Liv are backstage and Natalya blames her for losing. She says Liv made a lot of rookie mistakes out there and she can see why Ruby Riott dropped her. Liv walks off. Lana walks up and says she’s sick of everyone else’s mistakes falling on her. Nattie says she knows exactly how she feels.
Christian comes to the stage and says he knows what he has to do. He has to stand up for himself. So he accepts Orton’s challenge for one more match.
MVP approaches Apollo Crews backstage and offers him his services. He tells him all the benefits of working with him. Crews says he appreciates it but he wants to be a fighting Champion. MVP lifts the United States Championship and says the only way Apollo keeps the title is with him in his corner.
*Commercial Break*
Ric Flair is backstage with Charlotte and he asks her what’s next. He wants to know who she’s going to go after next. Charlotte says a lot of people get under her skin but she does what she wants. She woo’s and says that’s the answer.
The bell rings and they lock-up, with Benjamin hitting the ropes and dropping Crews with a shoulder. Benjamin hits a dropkick but Crews responds with a splash in the corner. Apollo attempts a second splash but gets caught with a German suplex. We see MVP watching on a monitor as Shelton hits a running knee in the corner for a two-count. Benjamin takes a headlock.
Apollo fights up and they trade hands. Apollo ducks a kick and hits an enziguiri, followed by a moonsault for a two-count. Benjamin escapes a military press and hits a roll-up, using the ropes for leverage but the referee sees it. Shelton argues with the referee and Apollo rolls-up Shelton and grabs the ropes to score the win!

R-Truth is warming-up backstage when Akira Tozawa and the ninjas approach. Akira talks in Japanese, then Truth gets mad and says if that’s the way he wants it. Truth poses like Karate Kid and they leave. Drew McIntyre approaches and says Truth was out of order putting his title on the line. But what’s done is done. He asks Truth if he understands the gravity of the situation, saying they could lose everything. Truth says he does.
*Commercial Break*
We see a replay of Asuka winning the Money In The Bank and getting the title, and her feud with Nia Jax. They will do battle tonight for the RAW Women’s Championship.
Caruso interviews Asuka backstage. She asks if Jax is too dominant for Asuka. The Champion speaks in Japanese, then translates that Nia started the fight but she will finish it.
McIntyre is shown backstage and Truth approaches him. Truth says he fixed things. He talked to the powers-that-be and now only one title is on the line, the WWE Championship. Drew is furious, because if Truth gets pinned he loses his title. Truth asks Drew to believe in him and he says he knows hard it is to lose a Championship. He’s lost his 24/7 Championship twenty-something times, and sometimes it’s even taken a few days to win it back. He reassures Drew that they’ve got it in the bag.
*Commercial Break*
The Viking Profits are backstage with Big Show and he thanks them for a fun night. But he says he knows how to settle things. Ivar yells “carpool karaoke” and Big Show shuts him down, saying that’s never the answer. Show suggests a tag title match next week on RAW and they ask why. “Because we want the smoke.” All five of them sing ‘we want the smoke’.
The title match begins with McIntyre and Lashley locking-up. Drew forces Bobby to the corner and they have a staredown. Lashley slaps Drew, who fires back. Lashley hits a lariat and Drew hits a Glasgow Kiss that drops him. Lashley backs McIntyre into his corner, where MVP lands some cheap shots.
Lashley hits a shoulder tackle and tags MVP, but Drew kicks MVP, hits Lashley with a spinebuster and clotheslines him out, then drops MVP. McIntyre readies for a Claymore but Truth tags himself in. McIntyre is furious. Truth runs right into a belly-to-belly from MVP, then Lashley throws him out of the ring and slams him into the barricade. McIntyre is worried as we head to the break.
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Truth is being man-handled by Lashley in the corner. Lashley hits a shoulder tackle and tags MVP, who hits a big boot for a two-count. Drew looks like he might be sick on the apron. He screams at Truth to make the tag, and the 24/7 Champion does the splits and hits a spin kick to MVP.
Tags made to Lashley and McIntyre, with the Scot hitting axe handles and an overhead belly-to-belly. Lashley counters the Future Shock DDT but gets hit with another belly-to-belly. MVP made the blind tag but he jumps off the apron and runs away.
McIntyre goes after MVP and slams him into the plexi-glass boards, then back into the ring. McIntyre hits an axe handle from up top, then a Future Shock DDT but Lashley breaks the pinfall. Truth hits Lashley and they brawl to the outside, where Truth trips Lashley into the steel steps.
Inside the ring, McIntyre ducks MVP, hits a Claymore, and covers for the pin but stops himself. He turns and tags Truth, who looks shocked. McIntyre launches Truth from the top rope with a splash onto MVP for the win!

We see Christian wrapping his wrists backstage. Ric Flair walks in and says he’s not ready for this. Christian laughs but Flair says Orton has been on top of this game for 20 years. He’s mean, sadistic, and gets off on causing pain. But Christian is only doing this to prove something that doesn’t need proven. Christian thanks Ric and says he can’t let Randy get away with the things he said.
*Commercial Break*
Sasha Banks and Bayley make their entrances. Bayley says last night they retained their Tag Team Championships in a Triple Threat, so they’re ready to celebrate. But that’s not all, it’s her birthday as well! Bayley wants to celebrate all week long, starting tonight, then on Wednesday they will beat Tegan Nox and Shotzi Blackheart, then go home to SmackDown and finish strong.
Sasha says she loves the sound of that. Then tells The IIconics to never tell them what to do. She’s the leader and Bayley is the role model. The IIconics come out again and Billie says nobody wants to hear their resume’s, they just want an answer to their challenge.
Bayley says, quick reminder, they lost last night. Bayley says it doesn’t matter which team is put in front of them, they’ll win. Peyton says they beat them last year at WrestleMania for those exact belts, and that loss caused them to melt down. Kay says they couldn’t handle the pressure then, and they damn sure can’t now. Banks starts to speak but Royce slaps her. Bayley gets angry and accepts their title challenge for next week.
We see a replay of Dominik attacking Seth Rollins earlier tonight. Rey Mysterio will return next week. Nia Jax makes her entrance ahead of her title match with Asuka.
*Commercial Break*

The title match gets underway after introductions, and Asuka goes after Jax with a flying armbar. Jax fights her off and rolls to the apron. Asuka attempts a hip attack but Jax sidesteps it and lifts Asuka onto her shoulders. Asuka slides down her back and chokes her over the ropes.
The referee makes Asuka wait until Jax gets back in the ring. Asuka kicks Jax but Nia punches her down. Nia gets cocky but Asuka catches her with the armbar again. Once again Nia rolls out under the bottom rope. Asuka attempts a baseball slide but Nia catches her legs and powerbombs her on the floor!
*Commercial Break*
Back live and Nia has Asuka in a torture rack submission. Asuka elbows her way free, then catches Nia with a codebreaker. Asuka hits a shining wizard for a two-count. Asuka goes up top but Nia goes after her. Asuka trips Jax into the tree of woe and hits a double stomp for a two-count.
Jax drops Asuka with a headbutt, then lifts her for a Samoan drop. She goes for the cover but Asuka’s foot is under the bottom rope. Nia argues with the referee and shoves him onto his back. He’s about to disqualify her when Asuka rolls her up and he counts quickly to give Asuka the win!
Caruso starts to interview Orton backstage but he stosp her. He asks her if she thinks Christian is a legend. She says “absolutely”. He says he does too. He then reminds her that an unsanctioned match means no rules, no disqualifications. It means that, in a few minutes, the legend of Christian will be destroyed by the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment: RKO.
*Commercial Break*
Before this incredible main event gets underway, Ric Flair comes down to the ring. He takes the microphone and he tells Christian not to do this. Flair says he talked to Edge and he agrees. Christian has nothing to prove. Christian takes the microphone and says he has to do this.
The bell rings and Flair low-blows Christian! Orton takes off his jacket and hits a Punt and that’s it. Orton looks scared of what he did, then slowly rolls Christian over and pins him.
Orton rubs Christians head and tells him he’s sorry. He says he didn’t want to do this and yells at Christian, asking why he came here. EMT’s then come in and Orton even helps them adjust Christian as they put a neck brace on him. Orton apologises and rests his head on Christian.
RAW goes off the air with Orton saying he didn’t want to finish Edge’s last chapter, or Christian’s, but he had to. He blames Christian but then says he’s sorry. This is his livelihood and he can’t let anyone destroy that.
And that’s the end of RAW. Randy Orton is the absolute best in the business right now. Incredible stuff. Let us know if you agree and sound off. Until next time, stay safe.

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