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WWE will sometimes write a big angle that leaves fans on the edge of their seats. Then the next week that storyline is pushed to the back burner. One top program has seemingly disappeared completely.
Lana and Bobby Lashley were set to be married and then Liv Morgan made her big return. She announced her love for Lana and that resulted in a brawl that ruined their wedding.
Lashley and Lana got married anyway the next week and there was no commotion. Then Rusev disappeared from television after a mixed tag team match because his WWE contract has not been renewed.
Liv Morgan got another match against Lana, but Ruby Riott interfered. Now Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan are feuding and the storyline between Lana and Morgan has been forgotten about entirely.
Morgan hyped her WWE return for weeks. She made references to what turned out to be Lana during those promos. Weeks of building Liv Morgan’s eventual return to break up Lana and Bobby Lashley’s wedding is now something Vince McMahon might like fans to forget.
No reference is currently being made connecting Lana and Liv Morgan. The two are totally separated on television. Now Lana is leading Bobby Lashley to the ring with no clear resolution in the romance angle that she once had with Liv Morgan.

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